Tag Archives: eid mubarak

Selamat Hari Raya (Oppa Gangnam Style)

A belated Eid Mubarak to my Muslim bruddas and sistas!

Hey, I just met you and this is crazy. But Ramadaan is over now. Your number maybe?
Hook up this Hari Raya? (image from Arabmemes.com)

Just thinking, but wouldn’t it be cool to have a Hari Raya version of the Gangnam Style video? The one everyone’s spoofing…?


The main man from up north (image from thoughtsonfilms.wordpress.com)

Directed by:


Should be fun, no? 🙂

#Update: Turns out there are a couple of videos in this vein that have emerged! :))

Gangnam takes over at 1:41min (Thanks Nazura!)

Malaysia’s FLY FM jocks rewrote the lyrics for this awesome Kampung Style video